
what matters to me the most...

it has been said that "one man's trash, is another man's treasure", yada yada yada right? yea that maybe all true. but have you ever thought about how grateful you are to have special people in your life?

those who stick by you throughout your WORST days?
those who are there to let you cry on their shoulder?
the ones who can tell you the right things to overcome or make a situation better?

i have many people in my life...
family. friends. associates. enemies. haters. frenemies. you name it...

but ive never been so grateful to have people in my life who mean the world to me.
i guess the reason for this blog is because of this quote that i read earlier...

"too often, we underestimate the power of a touch,

a smile, a kind word, a listenin ear, an honest compliment,

or the smallest act of carin,

all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

--leo buscaglia

mi familia

my mom is my everythin. if i lose her, i dont know where ill stand.

my father and i have our moments. but nothin like it was when i was younger.

[i guess you realize a lot when you mature & grow up]

my sister and i relationship has gotten a lot better. but she still irkes my nerves at times.
my brother is my everythin! i love and miss him sooooo much.

[if i could turn back the hands of time, i would, but god always has the bigger plan. it hurts me so much sometimes because your not here physically with me, but you will always be here in my heart, and my mind.]

my nephews are so ACTiVE but they keep me sane at times.
[they show me how much i wanna wait to have a child =p]
my grandparents, i love them to death. they are TRULY the backbone of my family.
my aunts and uncles are prayful and supportive.
i have a wonderful godmother whom i look up to. & a godbrother whom i love dearly & would do anything for.

mis amigos

tink & shake they have been with me since the beginning of high school and i love them. they keep me in my place when needed. and they have never let me down. [TST for life]

ricky can be a jerk at times, but he always keeps it REAL w/me no matter WHAT!

rah we are so much alike at times, we cant stand each other for long. lol

jeff we have been through so much, but you will always be mr. stinkah =]

& then there's myLOCKY

like said before, no one will ever know the bond we share. people may think one thing, but in our eyes, hearts and minds, we both know the truth.
words cannot express the way i feel about you or our relationship that we have sometimes. baby i love you from the depths of my heart. you have bought so much into my life and i appreciate everything...from the simple things, to the hujumboganic things. we will forever be [sloski&locky]

i think the music im listenin to has somewhat to do with this blog as well.
[slowJAMS are the best at a moment like this]

[pe.es] never wait until its too late to tell someone how they have impacted your life. or to even tell them how special they are to you. let them smell the roses while theyre still alive, because you never know when your last chance is to tell them.

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